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点击次数:  更新时间:2019-09-09

讲座题目:Moral Relativism in the Zhuangzi: From Agent-Centered and Appraiser-Centered to Patient-Centered

主讲人:Prof. Huang Yong(黄勇 教授)




Abstract:Moral relativism familiar in the Western philosophical tradition, according to David Lyons, is either agent relativism (moral judgments are relative to the standards of the agent or the agent group) or appraiser relativism (moral judgments are relative to the standards of the appraiser(s) or appraiser group(s)). As Lyons has convincingly argued, they are both problematic. However, in the ancient Chinese Daoist classic, the Zhuangzi, we can find a different type of moral relativism, which I call patient relativism (moral judgments are relative to the patients’ standards). In this paper, I aim to argue in what sense Zhuangzi is a patient relativist and how patient relativism can avoid the problem of agent relativism and appraiser relativism.


黄勇,复旦大学哲学博士,哈佛大学宗教学博士。曾长期任教于美国宾州库兹城大学哲学系,自2013年起转任香港中文大学哲学系教授。曾兼任美国宗教学会儒学传统组共同主任,哥伦比亚大学宋明儒学讨论班共同主任,北美中国哲学家协会主席等。创办并主编英文学术刊物Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Springer)和学术丛书Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy (Springer)。最近在筹备一套新的英文丛书,Encountering Chinese Philosophy (Bloomsbury)。主要研究领域为中国哲学,中西比较哲学,伦理学,政治哲学,和宗教哲学。除在有关学术刊物和文集中发表中英文学术论文各八十馀篇外,出版英文专著Religious Goodness and Political Rightness: Beyond the Liberal-Communitarian Debate (Harvard Theological Studies 49), Confucius: A Guide for the Perplexed (Bloomsbury)和Why Be Moral: Learning from the Neo-Confucian Cheng Brothers (SUNY)以及中文著作《全球化时代的伦理》,《全球化时代的宗教》和《全球化时代的政治》(台湾大学出版中心)。目前正完成英文书稿Ethics of Difference: Learning from the Daoist Zhuangzi和Knowing-to: The Contemporary Significance of Wang Yangming’s Moral Philosophy两本。


