点击次数: 更新时间:2019-11-07
9:00 — 9:10 |
开幕致辞:吴根友教授(主持人:李勇) Welcome Speech:Prof. Genyou Wu(Chair: Yong Li) |
9:10 —10:40
第一场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) First Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人(Chair):Paul Patton (Wuhan University) |
Stephen Gaukroger (The University of Sydney) |
Enlightenment Historiography and the Orient |
李维武 Weiwu Li (澳门太阳集团城welcome) (Wuhan University) |
新文化运动中的“启蒙”与“启蒙反思” Enlightenment and Enlightenment reflection in the New Culture Movement |
张 亮 Liang Zhang (南京大学) (Nanjing University) |
《启蒙辩证法》的历史哲学之维 The Dimension of Historical Philosophy in “Dialectics of Enlightenment” |
11:00—12:30 |
第二场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Second Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:冯 琳(中国人民大学) Chair:Lin Feng (Renmin University of China) |
Karen Green (The University of Melbourne) |
Catharine Macaulay and the concept of ‘Radical Enlightenment’ |
邓晓芒 Xiaomang Deng (华中科技大学) (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) |
对亚里士多德形而上学的片面定向的检讨——以中国哲学为参照 A Review of Aristotle's one-sided Orientation of Metaphysics -- with Chinese Philosophy as a Reference |
吴根友 Genyou Wu (澳门太阳集团城welcome) (Wuhan University) |
启蒙与解蔽——关于“启蒙”的哲学认识论解读 Enlightenment and Alethia --A Philosophical Epistemological Interpretation of Enlightenment |
14:10—16:00 |
第三场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Third Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:周 可(澳门太阳集团城welcome) Chair:Ke Zhou (Wuhan University) |
夏 莹 Ying Xia (清华大学) (Tsinghua University) |
启蒙的双重内涵与马克思的解放逻辑 The Double Connotation of Enlightenment and Marx's Liberation logic |
李佃来 Dianlai Li (澳门太阳集团城welcome) (Wuhan University) |
现代启蒙与马克思的政治哲学 Modern Enlightenment and Karl Marx’s Political Philosophy |
汤明洁 Mingjie Tang (中国社会科学院) (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) |
反思批判:论福柯的现代性启蒙哲学 The Reflection on Critics:On Michel Foucault's Philosophy of Modernity Enlightenment |
杨云飞 Yunfei Yang (澳门太阳集团城welcome) (Wuhan University) |
康德哲学中启蒙思维的三个层次与启蒙的三重含义 Three Levels of Enlightenment Thinking and Three Meanings of Enlightenment in Kant's Philosophy |
16:20—18:10 |
第四场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Forth Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:廖璨璨(澳门太阳集团城welcome) Chair:Cancan Liao (Wuhan University) |
Zemian Zheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
WangYangming, Descartes, and the Sino-European Juncture of Enlightenment |
Mario Wenning (University of Macau) |
Navarrete and the Early Enlightenment |
王 格 Ge Wang (中山大学) (Sun Yat-sen University) |
“格物穷理”:晚明西洋哲学与宋明理学之间的话语竞争 Making a Thorough Inquiry on Things and Principles(Ge Wu Qiong Li):Discourse Competition between Western Philosophy and Neo Confucianism in late Ming |
朱浩浩 Haohao Zhu (中国科学技术大学) (University of Science and Technology of China) |
明末至清中期“科学”启蒙再思考:以天文学为中心 Rethinking the Enlightenment of science from Late Ming to the Middle of Qing Dynasty——Astronomy as the Core |
9:00 — 10:30 |
第五场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Fifth Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:储昭华(澳门太阳集团城welcome) Chair:Zhaohua Chu (Wuhan University) |
付长珍 Changzhen Fu (华东师范大学) (East China Normal University) |
情感能否为正义奠基 Can emotion lay the foundation for justice? |
Yong Li (Wuhan University) |
Confucian Inequality-Moral or Political |
吕 威 Wei Lyu (武汉理工大学) (Wuhan University of Technology) |
论康有为“天下-个人”政治结构的双重超越 On the Double Transcendence of Kang Youwei's "Tianxia-Individual" Political |
10:50—12:20 |
第六场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Sixth Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:潘 磊(澳门太阳集团城welcome) Chair:Lei Pan (Wuhan University) |
王咏诗 Yongshi Wang (澳门太阳集团城welcome) (Wuhan University) |
“技术实践”的边界——重提“回到康德” The Boundary of Technological Practice -- Rementioning “Back to Kant” |
黄燕强 Yanqiang Huang (暨南大学) (Jinan University) |
“中国哲学史”创作中的“科玄之辩” "Debate on science and metaphysics" in the Manufacturing of History of Chinese Philosophy |
许 兰 Lan Xu (北师大学珠海分校) (Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai) |
论张君劢对启蒙现代性的反思——以科学与道德的关系为核心 On Carsun Chang's Reflection on the Modernity of Enlightenment:Taking the Relationship between Science and Morality as the Core |
14:30—16:00 |
第七场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Seventh Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:彭传华(宁波大学) Chair:Chuanhua Peng (Ningbo University) |
谢晓东 Xiaodong Xie (厦门大学) (Xiamen University) |
空想自由主义:李贽思想的新定位 Utopian Liberalism: A New Orientation of Li Zhi’s Thoughts |
王 博 Bo Wang (中国人民大学) (Renmin University of China) |
李贽与利玛窦生死观之比较 A Comparative Study of Li Zhi's and Matteo Ricci's Views on Life and Death |
胡栋材 Dongcai Hu (中南大学) (Central South University) |
从利玛窦到陈独秀——比较哲学视野下的气论言说及其启蒙省思 From Matteo Ricci to Duxiu Chen—The Theory of Qi and Its Enlightenment Reflection under the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy |
16:20—18:10 |
第八场(每人20分钟,讨论30分钟) Eighth Session(20 minutes per person,Discussion for 30 minutes) 主持人:谢远笋(澳门太阳集团城welcome) Chair:Yuansun Xie (Wuhan University) |
孙邦金 Bangjin Sun (温州大学) (Wenzhou University) |
乾嘉儒学的多维理性诉求及其现代意义 The Multi-dimensional Rational Appeals and Modern Significance of Confucianism inthe Qianlong and Jiaqing Period |
李 强 Qiang Li (西北大学) (Northwest University) |
比较视野下牟宗三早期建国思想的三重维度 Three Dimensions of Mou Zongsan's Early Thoughts of Founding the Country from the Perspective of Comparison |
沈 庭 Ting Shen (澳门太阳集团城welcome) (Wuhan University) |
近代启蒙视域下的“真实”:中国佛教真理观的近代开创 "Truth" from the Perspective of Modern Enlightenment:The Initiating of Chinese Buddhist truth in Modern China |
刘元青 Yuanqing Liu (湖北大学) (Hubei University) |
熊十力“格物致知”新训与中西学术会通——以《读经示要》为中心 Xiong Shili's new motto of Knowledge acquired through experience and Understanding between Chinese and Western Academics: Taking "Reading Classics and Instructions" (Du Jing Shi Yao) as the Center |